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THE STURGEONS AND PADDLEFISHES (Acipenseriformes) OF THE WORLD: Biology and Aquaculture
By Martin Hochleithner and Jörn Gessner.
An extended, updated and reviewed third edition.
Hardcover Version
Soft- or Hardcover, 248 pages.

The breeding and culture of sturgeons in captivity has advanced rapidly over the past several years. With recent developments, the requirements of the industry have changed, and the techniques used have also evolved and been adapted to meet these changing needs. Based on experience gained in the the former USSR, new technologies have been developed, and the background of sturgeon biology has been enlightened in many respects. This compendium is designed to close the information gap between scientists and practitioners. Its appeal will be far reaching since biologists, field technicians, hatchery operators and fish farmers, fisherman and fish enthusiasts, will all find a wealth of practical information relevant to their field of interest. The book has the style of a species synopsis coupled with everything anyone needs to know about the reproduction and culture of acipenserid fishes. It summarizes current knowledge on all sturgeon and paddlefish species worldwide and presents it as a practitioner-oriented working guide. It draws on the experience and research findings of the authors gained over more than two decades. The new, third edition has been updated, extended, and reviewed, and includes many new colour illustrations. It value will be timeless.
The book is structured into four sections, comprising:
- An introduction, gross morphology, general ecology, systematics of sturgeons, and the sturgeon hybrids, as well as a revisted key to the species.
- A species secition, with details of all known species worldwide including their description, their distribution, their ecology, and their economy.
- An aquaculture section including the different methods of management, handling, propagation, incubation, feeding, management and ongrowing strategies in tanks, pond and cages. As well as an overview on fisheries techniques, stock management, product processing.
- An annex, including sturgeon egg and larval development, parasites and prey organisms as well as international names and synonyms for the species.

Content & Reviews

Sturgeon Fishes (Acipenseriformes): Science as Art.bildbanden.jpg (2590 Byte)
By Paul Vecsei and Martin Hochleithner.

Hardcover, 120 pages.

Sturgeon illustrator Paul Vecsei and sturgeon farmer Martin Hochleithner are both internationaly well known specialists in the field of sturgeon research and aquaculture. In this volume, they showcase the numerous sturgeon species and highlight the plasticity of sturgeon morphology (both within and between species) using more than 130 detailed illustrations and many summary tables. The material in this book is the culmination of 5000 hours of scientific illustrations. Each illustration is of an individual fish and is extremely accurate. They are made in the technique of pointillism, a known fine-art technique. Each picture is made by small dots, which, when viewed for a distance, creates a very detailed rendition of shape and form. Sturgeon afectionados, sturgeon experts and art lovers will appreciate the collection of illustrations in this unique work.

From Paul Vecsei is also the poster:
Sturgeon fishes - Acipenseriformes - Störfische
Printed Version

The BIBLIOGRAPHY of Acipenseriformes: With over 10000 references
By Martin Hochleithner, Jörn Gessner and Sergej Podushka.
Electronic Version
The most important and comprehensive bibliography about Acipenseriformes.
Available as searchable electronic version (on CD-ROM) or printed book version (over 500 pages).

This bibliography, which includes nearly all publications from around the world, and covers all Acipenseriforms and a range of topics, is intended to serve as a ready reference for researchers, fisheries managers, aquaculturists and conservationists who work with this ancient fish group. The numerous references are listed alphabetically by author(s) and chronologically by year(s), as the original title. Almost all sturgeon- and paddlefish species are threatened or endangered. Information on them is by no means complete, whether in fields related to sturgeon culture, biology, ecology or management. Due to the current rate of wild-stock exploitation and environmental degradiation, the availability of new information might prove crucial for their survival. This is an attempt to disseminate information about work carried out to date, and to increase its availability.

The BIBLIOGRAPHY of Acipenseriformes: Update of the 2000'sUpdate Version
By Martin Hochleithner, Jörn Gessner, Sergej Podushka, Mohammad Pourkazemi and Qiwei Wei.
An update for the years 2000-2009. Paperback, 280 pages.

This bibliography, which covers all Acipenseriforms and a range of topics, is intended to serve as a ready reference for researchers, fisheries managers, aquaculturists and conservationists who work with this ancient fish group. Almost all sturgeon- and paddlefish species are threatened or endangered. Information on them in any field is by no means complete, whether related to sturgeon culture, biology, ecology or management. In many aspects sturgeon biology is very different from that of other fishes, and techniques suitable for other species may not work with them. Due to the current rate of wild-stock exploitation, the availability of new information might prove crucial for their survival. This is an attempt to disseminate information about work carried out to date, and to increase its availability. This is the most important and comprehensive bibliography about Acipenseriformes, and includes nearly all publications from around the world. The references are listed alphabetically by author(s) and chronologically by year(s). This update includes the years 2000-2009. The update is allready included in the bibliography on CD-ROM.

Biology and Conservation of the European Sturgeon Acipenser sturio L. 1758: The Reunion of the European and Atlantic Sturgeons
By Patrick Williot, Eric Rochard, Nathalie Desse-Berset, Frank Kirschbaum and Jörn Gessner (Editors).
Hardcover, 668 pages.

Biology and Conservation of the European SturgeonThe book aims at synthesizing our current knowledge of Acipenser sturio and its management. This species, one of the most widespread sturgeon species all over Western Europe ranging from the Black Sea to the Baltic, is now on the verge of extinction. Major aspects of its biology and management, including mismanagement, are provided in a historic perspective. Similarly, the changes in the restoration programs (in situ and ex situ) initiated in France and Germany are presented. As the species occurred in sympatry with Acipenser oxyrinchus in Germany and Poland and very recently in France as well, a brief outlook on restoration-management programs of A. oxyrinchus are also provided for both North America and Northern European countries. As conservation-restoration actions go beyond scientific issues, non-governmental stakeholders and marine professional fishermen’s organizations have also been asked to contribute, and the key role of a French-German cooperation plan is underlined. A part of the book is devoted to perspectives. Illustrations of the European sturgeon, mainly in photographs, but also in stamps and paintings, are presented.

The Siberian Sturgeon (Acipenser baerii Brandt, 1869)
By Patrick Williot, Guy Nonnotte, Denise Vizziano-Cantonnet and Mikhail Chebanov.
Hardcover, 780 pages.

This two-volume book set focuses on the Siberian sturgeon. Acipenser baerii one of the "still existing” sturgeon species, is a native species of the Siberian catchments, where – as in many other parts of the world – the sturgeon populations are now threatened. Sturgeon farming practices targeting caviar and meat production have been expanding worldwide since the 1990s, and have seen a further increase since the turn of the century. Among the handful of sturgeon species used for significant production, the most dominant is the Siberian sturgeon. Given its peculiar phylogenetic position as a chondrostei and its use as a biological model in some countries, the species has also attracted the attention of biologists. 
The aim of the editors was to provide for the first time a comprehensive and updated synthesis regarding the farming-related biology of the Siberian sturgeon. In light of the abundance of material, it has been divided into two volumes, with a focus on biology and farming, respectively. The main parts of Volume 1 are biology and ecology, biology and physiology of reproduction, and ecophysiology. In turn, Volume 2 is divided into six parts: reproduction and early ontogenesis, growing, global production, long-term management of brood stock, state of health through welfare and immunology, and ecological risks of installation in non-native waters, illustrated by two long-term documented examples in Russia and France.

Action Plan for the Conservation of Sturgeons (Acipenseridae) in the Danube River Basin
By Jürg Bloesch, Tim Jones, Ralf Reinartz, Beate Striebel (Editors).
Paperback, 121 pages.

Six species of sturgeons are native to the Danube River Basin. The need for conservation action is urgent, given that recent observations in the Lower Danube indicate that all sturgeon populations are near extinction. Due to the high commercial value of sturgeon products, in particular caviar, the pressure from proaching and illegal trade remains intense. These species will not survive unless fishing practices are greatly addressed, and both migration routes and habitats for all life-cycle stages are protected. Through national action and international co-ordination, this action plan aims to secure viable populations of all Danube sturgeon species by sustainable management and restoration of their natural habitats and migratory corridors.Action Plan for the Conservation of Sturgeons

Rescue of Sturgeon Species in the Ural River Basin
By Victor Lagutov (Editor).
Hardcover, 333 pages.

This volume is devoted to the uniqueness, history and problems of the Ural river basin, its sturgeons and perspectives of their conservation. The Ural river, the third longest river in Europe, is a unique ecosystem. Unlike other large European rivers the river has not been regulated and the natural hydrological regime is still intact. Thanks to that it has the only remaining spawning habitats in the entire Caspian basin for all sturgeon species. Nevertheless, this fact is not well known to the broader scientific and environmental communities. The Ural river is also an interesting place due to its rich history of sustainable use of aquatic resources in general and sturgeons in particular. The traditional life style of the local communities, Ural Cossacks, was focused on the preservation and rational use of sturgeon species. This interesting experience of sustainable river-related management is not adequately reported in literature. To secure further Ural sturgeon preservation the river basin ecosystem and human activities in the region must be managed in an integrated sustainable manner. The sturgeon species can be used as a natural indicator and an incentive for such transboundary IWRM cooperation taking into account all three components of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental.

Biology, Conservation and Sustainable Development of Sturgeons
By Ramón Carmona, Alberto Domezain, Manuel García-Gallego, José Antonio Hernando, Fernando Rodríguez, Manuel Ruiz-Rejón (Editors).
Hardcover, 467 pages.Biology, Conservation and Sustainable Development of Sturgeons

Sturgeons are considered “living fossils”, sharing many morphological and biological features with ancestral fish. Furthermore, sturgeons are of the utmost interest from an economic perspective, not only for the caviar but for the flesh. However, the wild populations of the majority of the species are at serious risk of extinction all over the world. So, it is urgent to develop strategies for both farming culture and conservation and recovery in natural habitats. This book provides a comprehensive view of the biology and sustainable development of sturgeons putting emphasis on the Southern Europe autochthonous species such as Acipenser nacarii and Acipenser sturio that share geographical distribution. Other relevant species (such as Huso huso, A. oxyrhinchus, A. ruthenus, A. stellatus) and areas (Germany, Russia, North America) are also considered. The contents are organised in three sections: Taxonomy and Biogeography (including the morphological and genetic analyses that clarify the taxonomy and phylogeny of sturgeons), Biology and Aquaculture (where several aspects of the developmental biology, feeding, and reproduction are considered in relation to the improvement of sturgeon farming), and Recovery and Conservation (that collates and analyses different recovery research actions, the ecology of the rivers for restoration as well as the problems related to the trade of caviar).

Sturgeon Fishes: Developmental Biology and Aquaculture
By Tatiana A. Dettlaff, Anna S. Ginsburg, Olga I. Schmalhausen (Authors).Sturgeon Fishes
Paperback, 313 pages.

This book is the first detailed description of the embryonic development of all important Russian sturgeon species - from the egg, over the various larval stages to the grown up fish. Besides dealing with the typical issues of developmental biology: hormonal stimulation of oocyte maturation; development of the mature egg organisation and the role of the ucleus and the cytoplasm in this process; timing of the mitotic phases; changes in the cell cycle during the transition to gastrulation; morphometric movements during the gastrulation. Emphasis is also placed on fish breeding in aquaculture, with special recommendations and instructions for the artificial breeding of sturgeons. This is a reprint of the original edition from 1993.

Sturgeons and Paddlefish of North America
By Greg T.O. LeBreton, F. William H. Beamish, R. Scott McKinley (Editors).
Hardcover, 323 pages.

Sturgeons and Paddlefish of North AmericaModern North American sturgeons and paddlefish are the result of 100 million years of evolution. Once an integral part of aboriginal culture, their numbers were decimated by overfishing and habitat destruction during the past two centuries. This book details the extensive science aimed at helping these remarkable species recover from the brink of extinction, and describes the historical, biological, and ecological importance of North American sturgeon and paddlefish. The text is enhanced by photographs and detailed line drawings. This comprehensive volume will be an invaluable resource for researchers, educators, and consultants, in academic and government settings, who work to further scientific understanding of these fishes. No other single compilation has documented current information in such detail.
Contents: Inga Saffron - Introduction: The Decline of the North American Species; Tim E. Holzkamm and Leo G. Waisberg - Native American Utilization of Sturgeon; Jennifer A. Wilson and R. Scott McKinley - Distribution, Habitat, and Movements; Joseph J. Cech Jr. and Serge I. Doroshov - Environmental Requirements, Preferences, and Tolerance Limits of North American Sturgeons; Michael J. Miller - The Ecology and Functional Morphology of Feeding of North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish; Paul Vecsei and Douglas Peterson - Sturgeon Ecomorphology: A Descriptive Approach; Jessica A. Bolker - Embryology; Stephan J. Peake - Swimming and Respiration; Thomas D. Singer and James S. Ballantyne - Sturgeon and Paddlefish Metabolism; Greg T. O. LeBreton and F. William H. Beamish - Growth, Bioenergetics and Age; Michael R. Robinson and Moira M. Ferguson - Genetics of North American Acipenseriformes; Nancy J. Léonard, William W. Taylor, and Christopher Goddard - Multijurisdictional Management of Lake Sturgeon in the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River; Nancy A. Auer - Conservation; Joel P. Van Eenennaam, Frank A. Chapman, and Peter L. Jarvis - Aquaculture; Kevin G. Butterworth and Nancy J. Léonard - Conclusion: Ensuring The Future of Sturgeon; Martin Hochleithner and Paul Vecsei - Identification Key to Sturgeons and Paddlefish of North America.

NORTH AMERICAN STURGEONS: Biology and Aquaculture Potential
By Frederick P. Binkowski and Sergei I. Doroshov (Editors).
Papers from a symposium on the biology and management of sturgeon.
Hardcover, 163 pages.

North American SturgeonsSturgeons are an important group of commercial and recreational fishes. These ancient fish evolved over 200 million years ago. Approx. 24 species have survived to the present time and all are found in the northern hemisphere. In some regions these fish are priced for their commercial value, including flesh and caviar through both natural harvest and artificial culture. Fishery management projects were initiated on several North American species, primarly for commercial and sport fishing. During this time few attempts were made to advance the progress on developing the start-of-the-art for the artificial propagation of sturgeons. There were specific problems with various species relative to fish culture and fish management. Some of these problems have been investigated and the research results are included in this book. The Symposium on the Biology and Management of Sturgeon of North America was the first of its kind. It brought together scientists from numerous states. They each told their story and concluded that most populations of sturgeon in US and Canada have declined severely in the past 100 years and less is known about their biology and management than was previously thought. This national meeting set a registered attendance record of over 815 people. Undoubtedly the sturgeon symposium contributed to the attraction of the overall programm. The selection of papers in this book includes genetics, reproductive physiology, taxonomy, culture, behavoir, development, and ecology and management of six species of sturgeon.

By Vadim J. Birstein, John R. Waldman and William E. Bemis (Editors).
Selected, Reviewed and Revised Papers form the International Conference on Sturgeon Biodiversity and Conservation.
Hardcover, 444 pages.

Sturgeon Biodiversity and ConservationThis volume presents a synthesis of basic biological and conservation data for all species of sturgeons (Acipenseridae), paddlefishes (Polyodontidae) and their fossil allies in the order Acipenseriformes. Since the Jurassic, the four families of sturgeon-like fish have been restricted to the Holarctic, where until very recently they flourished in most major river systems. Today, however, virtually all species of sturgeons and paddlefishes face difficult conservation issues. Papers in the first section of this volume examine paleontology, systematics, evolution and basic biology of acipenseriformes. The second section of this volume details current conservation status for most of the world's living species of Acipenseriformes. The third section of the volume considers specific human impacts and responses to conservation issues. The volume's summary reviews the status of all extant species and notes future directions for research on behavior, ecology and population biology that could lead to better co-ordinated international conservation efforts.

ANADROMOUS STURGEONS: Habitats, Threats, and Management
By Jean Munro,  Daniel Hatin, Joseph E. Hightower, Kim McKown, Kenneth J. Sulak, Andrew W. Kahnle, and François Caron (Editors).
Proceedings of the Symposium "Anadromous Sturgeons - Status and Trends".
Hardcover, 415 pages.

Because of their threatened status, sturgeons have been the focus of broad scientific interest. This book provides new information on freshwater, estuarine, and marine habitats of anadromous sturgeons; examines threats to habitats and populations; and reviews management and population trends in light of progress on recovery of U.S. This proceedings of an American Fisheries Society Symposium has the following contents: Synthesis and Summary; Part I. Habitats; Part II. Threats and Restoration; Part III. Management and Population Trends.

PEOPLE OF THE STURGEON: Wisconsin's Love Affair with an Ancient Fish
By Kathleen Schmitt Kline, Ronald M. Bruch, Frederick P. Binkowski.People of the Sturgeon
Hardcover, 320 pages.

Lake sturgeon - ancient fish native to the Great Lakes region that can grow to be more than six feet long - have teetered on the brink of extinction since the late nineteenth century. But in Wisconsin, careful management for over 100 years has allowed one population to thrive. "People of the Sturgeon" is a history of the cultures surrounding lake sturgeon in Wisconsin’s Lake Winnebago region, told by a fascinating collection of photos, artifacts, and a few good fish tales. From some of the earliest inhabitants of Wisconsin, the Menominee Indian Tribe, to the spearers who flock to frozen Lake Winnebago for the annual sturgeon spearing season, people have always been drawn to this ancient fish. While overfishing, dams and pollution nearly wiped out other populations of lake sturgeon, Winnebago sturgeon have survived and flourished because of the dedicated efforts of state managers, university researchers, and a determined group of spearers known as "Sturgeon for Tomorrow". This is the only population of sturgeon in the world to have been nearly extirpated, then resurrected through a community-wide effort of people who are now joined together as "People of the Sturgeon".

By Bud Conner.
A valuable resource for anyone contemplating sturgeon fishing.
Paperback, 72 pages.

Sturgeon fishing is the ultimate type of bait fishing in fresh water and probably the fastest growing river sport in North America. The next bite might be a 36-incher or a 600-pound leviathan! This book tells you how to get started and guarantee your success. It is written in easy to understand, practical language with anchoring, tackle, rigging and baiting illustrations. In this book, Bud Conner shares his vast knowledge like: where to find fish, techniques, catch-and-release and more. The text includes a thorough angler's overview of sturgeon angling. It uses not only standard instructions on sturgeon fishing but throws in helpfull hints and even a few resipes for tasty dishes. It can also be used by begginers and produce excelant results.

By Steven D. Mims and William L. Shelton.
A timely practical reference for all interested in this species.
Hardcover, 320 pages.

Paddlefish have become of increasing interest to the aquaculture community in recent years, particularly as a potential new source of seafood and caviar. Native to North America, paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) show great promise both domestically and internationally as a commercially viable farmed species. This book examines all aspects of the biology and culture of these fish, exploring their physiology, production, end products and the economics underlying a successful paddlefish operation. Chapters specifically cover paddlefish biology, propagation and early culture techniques, production for meat and caviar, international culture and history, paddlefish food products, bioaccumulants of contaminants in paddlefish, parasites and diseases, and the economics of paddlefish aquaculture. Paddlefish Aquaculture is a timely practical reference for researchers and producers interested in this species.

CAVIAR: The Definitive Guide
By Susie Boeckmann and Natalie Rebeiz-Nielsen.
A sumptuously illustrated guide to all aspects of caviar.
Hardcover, 160 pages.Caviar

Caviar takes the reader on an enticing gastronomic journey, as authorities Susie Boeckmann and Natalie Rebeiz-Nielsen reveal how to distinguish between the different varieties, how to serve caviar for optimum flavor and enjoyment, which drinks to offer alongside it, and more. Illustrated with fascinating archive material and gorgeous full-color photography, this book offers a complete range of enticing caviar recipes, from a simple boiled egg with caviar, to exotic canapes, to sushi combinations, to the Russian essential, blini with sour cream and caviar. It covers the history, production, presentation, and consumption of caviar. Plus, this wonderful book offers quick, easy introductions to the four major caviar varieties - Beluga, Osetra, Sevruga, and Golden Caviar. Susie Boeckmann an established authority on caviar, has worked in the industry for more than a decade. Natalie Rebeiz-Nielsen is an acknowledged caviar expert and Director of the internationally renowned Caviar House. She has contributed her specialist knowledge of caviar to many newspapers and magazine articles.

The World of Caviar
By Frédéric Ramade.
A beautifully photographed volume of caviar.
Hardcover, 144 pages.The World of Caviar

Caviar, the highly prized delicacy that is emblematic of luxury and fine taste, is lusciouly explored in this colorful, beautifully photographed volume. History, myth, and technology combine for a complete look at the often secretive industry which has supplied royalty and the wealthy with this sought-after treat for centuries. Within these pages we board fishing boats traveling from the Caspian Sea to the limits of Siberia and to the Great Lakes in America, where the sturgeon are charted and caught. This allows for a close-up view of fishing, production, and canning methods. The various types and grades of caviar are identified and compared. We are further treated to tantalizing caviar recipes to enjoy. This book pays homage to and promotes the tiny eggs of sturgeon (and to a lesser degree the salmon) in a way that befits their reputation and clearly showes why they are still the luxury item of choice.

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