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Sturgeons and Paddlefishes

of the World



Martin Hochleithner and Jörn Gessner

3rd Edition, Published 2012

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This compendium is designed to close the information gap between scientists and practitioners.
Its appeal will be far reaching since biologists, field technicians, hatchery operators and fish farmers, fisherman and fish enthusiasts, will all find a wealth of practical information relevant to their field of interest.
The book has the style of a species synopsis coupled with everything anyone needs to know about the reproduction and culture of acipenseriform fishes.
It summarizes current knowledge on all sturgeon and paddlefish species worldwide and presents it as a practitioner-oriented working guide.
It draws on the experience and research findings of the authors gained over more than two decades.



Acipenser baerii Brandt, 1869
Acipenser brevirostrum Lesueur, 1818
Acipenser dabryanus Duméril, 1868
Acipenser fulvescens Rafinesque, 1817
Acipenser gueldenstaedtii Brandt, 1833
Acipenser medirostris Ayres, 1854
Acipenser naccarii Bonaparte, 1836
Acipenser nudiventris Lovetsky, 1828
Acipenser oxyribnchus Mitchill, 1815
Acipenser ruthenus Linnaeus, 1758
Acipenser schrenckii Brandt, 1869
Acipenser sinensis Gray, 1834
Acipenser stellatus Pallas, 1771
Acipenser sturio Linnaeus, 1758
Acipenser transmontanus Richardson, 1836
Huso dauricus Georgi, 1775
Huso huso Linnaeus, 1758
Pseudoscaphirhynchus fedtschenkoi Kessler, 1872
Pseudoscaphirhynchus hermanni
Kessler, 1877
Pseudoscaphirhynchus kaufmanni Bogdanov, 1874
Scaphirhynchus albus Forbes et Richardson, 1905
Scaphirhynchus platorhynchus Rafinesque, 1820
Scaphirhynchus suttkusi Williams et Clemmer, 1991
Polyodon spathula Walbaum, 1792
Psephurus gladius Martens, 1862

Capture of Broodstock
Rearing of Broodstock
Determination of Sex and Ripeness
Hormonal Induction
Collection of Gametes
Tank Rearing
Pond Culture
Cage Culture
Recirculation Systems
Disease Treatment



1st Edition:

Dr. Erich Kainz, Institut of Water Ecology and Fisheries Biology, Austria (German version)
"Mediated by the drastic decline of sturgeon fishes in central Europe in the former century and their subsequent extirpation - except the sterlet of the Austrian part of the Danube following World War I - the knowledge of this interesting group is lost even in fishery related circles. The disappearance of sturgeons, led to a significant decrease in value of the commercial Danube fisheries, and a decrease in scientific interest in the species. This situation accounted for the absence of literature on sturgeons in the German speaking countries. The author has filled this niche with the publication presented. The book provides valuable information by adding the authors experience to the published knowledge in the fields of artificial reproduction and rearing of the various sturgeon species, topics which are comprehensively and clearly presented. It can be highly recommended for all those that are dealing with the production of sturgeon species."

Paul Vecsei, University of Guelph, Canada
"There have been few published works which cover so many aspects of sturgeon diversity, biology, and aquaculture. This volume gives a popularized summary of a great deal of research done in all fields of sturgeon ontogeny and production. The author's expertise in multiple fields of sturgeon work is evident throughout the work. The appeal of this volume would be far reaching since biologists, field technicians, aquaculturists and fish enthusiasts would all find a wealth of practical information for their field of study. Identification of sturgeon species is difficult due to the overlapping morphological characters and highly variable meristics. In this volume, a simple to use key helps alleviate the problem. Furthermore, the write-up of each species is accompanied by a brief descriptive text giving basic recognizable features. The later half of the book gives a history of sturgeon exploitation and the depleted state of today's stocks is explained as are the numerous fishing methods. The chapters dealing with sturgeon aquaculture are very in-depth and treat all aspects of sturgeon farming. Much of the information is ground breaking and can be attributed to practices used by the author. This volume has the style of a species synopsis coupled with everything anyone needs to know concerning the culture of sturgeon. From reading Hochleithner's book, it becomes evident that Russia no longer has a monopoly on the rearing of this highly prized food fish. The western Europeans have combined advanced technology with time proven farming methods and will soon be able to meet market demands which are increasing due to the collapse of wild stocks in Russia."

2nd Edition:

Prof. Dr. Frank Chapman, University of Florida, USA
"I found it fascinating and think you did a great job. You actually beat me to it! For many years I kept saying we need such a book and must write one. Just from reading it and looking at the pictures ... I believe you love the fish as I do. I'm quite fanatic about them."

Dir. Steve Serfling, Mote Marine Laboratory, Florida, USA
"Thanks for sending your very interesting book on sturgeon and paddlefishes. I have learned a lot from it."

Dr. David Scarratt, Hatchery International, Canada
2nd Edition"Sturgeons are considered to be among the oldest and most primitive of living fishes. They are represented in the fossil record dating back 175 million years, and are still found in most of the major river systems of the northern hemisphere. They have been the subject of fisheries dating back over 5,500 years, and are no less popular today. Their flesh is firm and good tasting and abouve all, they are the source of caviar, often said to be worth its weight in gold to the connoisseur. Most if not all modern species are either threatened or endangered because of environmental degradation or overfishing or both. Over the past 130 years technology and skills have been developed to cultivate several species, and so reduce pressure on wild populations and in some cases help conserve or restore them. Many are actively cultivated today so this new book by Martin Hochleithner and Jörn Gessner is therefore timely.
The first few pages of the book contain a general introduction to the order Acipenseriformes (which includes the true sturgeons and the paddlefishes) describing their morphology and anatomy, their ecology, and systematics. There is a brief description of a couple of extinct fossil species and some living hybrids, followed by diagnostic keys which should enable anyone to identify any sturgeon or paddlefish that they might encounter. Then all of the 24 modern species are described in detail (in alphabetical order), including their morphology, distribution, ecology, life cycle, and economy. The differences and similarities among the various species make for fascinating reading. Sturgeon for the most part are big fish. Some, like mature Atlantic sturgeon, may reach 6 m in length and weigh over 600 kg. Belouga sturgeons reach 8 m in length and weigh up to 800 kg. Other species such as the shortnose sturgeon barely exceed a meter in length, but all have been subject to intense fisheries. In spite of their often large sizes sturgeons mostly eat small prey; molluscs, worms, small crustaceans, etc, and relatively small fish living in or on the bottoms of the lakes, rivers, estuaries, and costal areas which they frequent. In addition to the general descriptions, each species is photographed and maps of their distribution are given.
Rather more than half the book is devoted to the culture of sturgeons and paddlefish, and this perhaps is where its principal value lies. As near as I can see everything is covered from capture of wild broodstock to the marketing of product. Much of the pioneer work on sturgeon culture was conducted in formes Soviet countries, but in the last decade there has been much development elsewhere in the world, based on this earlier experience. The book is comprehensive in this regard, detailing the capture, selection and conditioning of brood stock, induction and synchronization of spawning using hormones, collection of eggs and sperm, and so on through to hatching and the culture of larvae. There is discussion on the value of having a captive developed brood stock, but nothing on the problems of accessing wild stocks in nations where strict conservation regulations are already in place. There is a pomprehensive section on grow-out drawing heavily on experiences aroung the world (North America, Europe, Asia), and a section on diseases. There is discussion on modern fisheries and fisheries management and a section on processing and marketing, including descriptions of smoking (a favoured product) and the preparation of caviar. There is a short but useful bibliography. A full sturgeon bibliography is also available.
The book is soft bound, pocket size, with photographs, maps and diagrams in black and white. The text is translated from the German (by Jörn Gessner) but unfortunately contains a number of grammatical inexactudes and spelling errors. While regrettable in such a thoroughly researched book, these do not result in any serious likelihood of misunderstanding. It will be a valuable addition to any aquaculturist library."

3rd Edition:

Aquaculture North America, 3 (5): 18.

The Sturgeons and Paddlefishes of the World
3rd Edition. 248 pp.
By Martin Hochleithner and Jörn Gessner
AquaTech Publications, Kitzbühel, Austria
Review by David Scarratt

3rd EditionMore than a decade has passed since the previous edition of this work was published, and in that time much more has been learned about the biology of sturgeons and paddlefish and their culture. Unfortunately since then the status of natural populations has declined still further, and all species are now listed in either Appendix I or II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species.
The book is divided into four parts. The first general section deals with the basic biology of the species, their morphology, ecology, hybridization and systematics, and includes a detailed identification key. Then come detailed descriptions of all 23 species of Acipenseridae, and the two species of Polyodontidae, including their morphology, natural distrbution, eclogy, and economy. The latter including details of the depletion of natural stocks due to overfishing and environmental changes, and the development of captive breeding techniqies, and transfers of fish outside their natural range. The third, and perhaps most detailed part of te book deals with sturgeon and paddlefish culture. This starts with detailed descriptions of how wild fish are captured and handled, then reared and bred in captivity; how sex and ripness can be determined, maturation inducement by hormone treatment, collection of gametes, and so on through fertilization, incubation and the different systems in which sturgeons can be raised in ponds, tanks, cages, and recirc systems. There is, understandably for a book produced in Europe, somewhat more emphasis on European and Asian species than on North American, but the detail for the most part is comprehensive. This section also includes details on the management of growout systemms, feeding of fish, transporting them, maintainingfish health, etc., but also includes a significant discussion on the traditional fisheries - now largely illegal or collapsed - where the traditional fishing techniques are described in detail, and how they evolved and were managed in the light of declining population size, and the progressive loss of largerfish. The current threats to wild populations and stock management policies are described, as well as restoration effords. In this sence, North America seems to be in somewhat better shape than Europe and Asia. There is a comprehensive appendix, which includes details of embryonic and larval development, and illustrated descriptions of the more common prey organisms. There are lists of common parasites and diseases, and for those keen to know, lists of thescientific synonyms by which each species has been known. This reviewed version of the book is a translation from German,and while is has been edited quite thoroughly, some of the grammar and spelling are a bit unusual; nevertheless it is eminently readable and an extremely valuable compendium of invormation. It is profusely illustrated with colour photoraphs, line drawings, maps of species distribution, graphs of harvest trends, etc., and tables.
A companion volume, The bibliography of Acipenseriformes is a 512-page tome that includes over 10-thousand references listed alphabetically and chronologically by author, and cross-indexes to species. It fills many of the holes left in earlier biblopraphies. The Sturgeon book is available in paperback from Amazon in US, and should be available from other US bookstores and many international internet bookshops. Hardcover and CD-ROM versions (the latter fully searchable) are only available from the publisher: The normal selling prices are: Sturgeon book, paperback US$ 50,- hardcover; Bibliography, paperback US$ 90,- CD-ROM.

Aquaculture Europe, 37 (3): 36.

The Sturgeons and Paddlefishes of the World: Biology and Aquaculture
By Martin Hochleithner and Jörn Gessner
An extended, updated and reviewed third edition. 248 pages. Paperback, ISBN: 978-1470086077

The breeding and culture of sturgeons and paddlefishes (Acipenseriformes) in captivity has advanced rapidly over the past several years. With recent developments, the requirements of the industry have changed, and the techniques used have also evolved and been adapted to meet these changing needs. Based on experience gained in the the former USSR, new technologies have been developed, and the background of sturgeon biology has been enlightened in many respects. This compendium is designed to close the information gap between scientists and practitioners. Its appeal will be far reaching since biologists, field technicians, hatchery operators and fish farmers, fisherman and fish enthusiasts, will all find a wealth of practical information relevant to their field of interest. The book has the style of a species synopsis coupled with everything anyone needs to know about the reproduction and culture of acipenserid fishes. It summarizes current knowledge on all sturgeon and paddlefish species worldwide and presents it as a practitioner-oriented working guide. It draws on the experience and research findings of the authors gained over more than two decades. The new, third edition has been updated, extended, and reviewed, and includes many new colour illustrations. It value will be timeless. The book is structured into four sections, comprising:

  • An introduction, with gross morphology, general ecology, systematics of sturgeons, and the sturgeon hybrids, as well as a reviesed key to the species.
  • A species section, with detailed description of all known species worldwide including their description, their distribution, their ecology, and their economy.
  • An aquaculture section, including the different methods of handling, propagation, incubation, feeding, management of tanks, ponds and cages. As well as an overview on fisheries techniques, stock management, product processing.
  • An annex, including sturgeon egg and larval development, parasites and prey organisms as well as international names and synonyms for the species.

Additional Reviews in:
The Sturgeon Newsletter (1+2/1996-1997), Fischmagazin (9/2000), World Aquaculture (12/2001), Infofish International (6/2012), etc.

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