Floating Platforms as floating raft or floating island |
Floating platforms
A floating platform refers to a platform floating on the water, which
consists of one or more floats or pontoons. Floating platforms are used in standing
and flowing waters (lake, dam, river) and can be used regardless of the
water level. Usually, the floating platform serves as a floating
structure (floating raft) for various machines or as a floating
structure (floating island) for various activities. Floating platforms
are occasionally used for a variety of other purposes, such as a
floating stage or landing pad, etc.
Examples of floating
rafts and floating islands
Floating rafts
A floating raft is an artificial platform that floats on the water and
is used for various equipment (transport raft or floating
photovoltaics). Floating rafts are made of artificial material, unlike
natural islands, which consist of land mass. Floating rafts are
occasionally used for other purposes, such as a boat or ferry. A floating island is an artificial platform that floats on the water and can be used for various activities (swimming island). Floating islands have no firm connection to the ground, in contrast to real islands, which extend from the surface over the water surface. Floating islands are occasionally used for other purposes, such as a swim island or bird island.
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