Aquaculture Technology



For Sturgeon & Caviar - Aquaculture Production

1. The Species

1.1.   Names
1.2.   Identification
1.3.   Distribution
1.4.   Abundance
1.5.   Ecology
1.6.   Reproduction
1.7.   Threats
1.8.   Conservation
1.9.   Economy

2. The Farm

2.1.   Introduction
2.2.   Tanks
2.3.   Water
2.4.   Aerators
2.5.   Control
2.6.   Feeders
2.7.   Food
2.8.   Pollution
2.9.   Filter
2.10. Equipment
2.11. Hatchery
2.12. Processing

3. The Production

3.1.   Overview
3.2.   Stocking
3.3.   Feeding
3.4.   Growth
3.5.   Maturation
3.6.   Sexing
3.7.   Diseases
3.8.   Handling
3.9.   Management

4. The Market

4.1.   History
4.2.   Trade
4.3.   Meat
4.4.   Caviar
4.5.   Prices
4.6.   Competitors
4.7.   Marketing
4.8.   Economy
4.9.   Risks

5. The Annex

5.1.   References
5.2.   Permits
5.3.   Offers
5.4.   Photos
5.5.   Drawings
5.6.   Others

The concept will be supplied with all values already included and adapted to your requirments.
It usually is a report with 50-100 pages, depending on your farm and species.
All costs are based on European average values!

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